From Sauerkraut to Kimchi: The Best Fermented Foods for Weight Loss

From Sauerkraut to Kimchi: The Best Fermented Foods for Weight Loss

stacy schanks

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If you are trying to lose weight, you have probably received lots of different advice from different people. Some weight loss advice is simple and common eat healthier, exercise more.

Others, however, may recommend weight loss tips that are new to you. And that may be valuable, especially if the normal “eat healthy and exercise” advice isn’t working for you.

If so, they might be onto something, because fermented foods can help you lose weight. Once you have reached your goal weight, fermented foods can also help you maintain a healthy weight. that fermented foods can lower your blood pressure, decrease your risk for diabetes, provide antioxidant benefits AND burn more fat.

So were going to walk you through exactly how you can use fermented foods to lose weight, starting right now.

The Basics: What Is Fermentation? And Why Eat Fermented Foods?

Before you jump on the bandwagon and start eating all of the fermented foods you can find, lets discuss what fermentation is.

Fermentation is a process that uses microorganisms to convert carbohydrates to organic acids or alcohol.

In the first type of fermentation, lactose is converted to lactic acid. The second type, alcoholic fermentation, is used to produce wine, beer, and bread.

Fermentation preserves the nutrients and enzymes in the foods being fermented.

Because fermentation is a preservation process, the foods do not spoil and can be safely stored for several weeks. In addition, fermented foods are rich in beneficial bacteria called probiotics that help the good bacteria in the digestive system.

Consuming foods containing probiotics enhances the digestion of food and reinforces the good bacteria that already live in your gut.

Having the correct amount of gut bacteria is essential for more than just aiding digestion - up to 80% of our immune system is located in the gastrointestinal tract. So, a good balance in the gut means keeping your immune system functioning as well.

In fact, a recent study found that certain probiotics, specifically the strains L. plantarum and L. paracasei, can lower the risk of acquiring viral diseases, including the common cold, and can decrease the number of days with symptoms.

How Can Fermented Foods Help You Lose Weight?

In your gut, there are good bacteria and bad bacteria.

The good bacteria help maintain a healthy gut and healthy digestion.

Without enough good bacteria, your body may have difficulty digesting foods or absorbing nutrients from food.

Research has shown that gut bacteria plays an important role in weight loss and maintenance.

According to a recent study, eating fermented foods rich in probiotics, specifically yogurt with the strains Lactobacillus fermentum or Lactobacillus amylovorus, resulted in a 3-4% reduction in total body fat over a 6-week period.

Another study indicated that women taking a probiotic supplement with Lactobacillus rhamnosus lost 50% more weight over a 3-month period than women taking a placebo pill.

So, if you eat fermented foods that are rich in nutrients, enzymes, and probiotics (good bacteria), you are helping maintain a healthy balance in your gut and burn more fat.

With a healthy microbiome that burns more fat, you are more likely to lose weight.

There are many fermented foods and drinks available.

However, not all fermented foods are ideal for weight loss.

For example, beer is a fermented beverage, but you will want to be aware of how many calories you consume from drinking beer. As with many things, moderation is key.

Here are five widely available fermented foods and drinks to consume if you are committed to losing weight and balancing your gut.

1) Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is finely chopped fermented cabbage. Sauerkraut is one of the most popular lacto-fermented raw vegetables, which means it is fermented by lactic acid-producing bacteria.

2) Kimchi

Kimchi is another lacto-fermented raw vegetable. The most common vegetables in kimchi are napa cabbage and Korean radishes, often spiced with ginger, garlic, scallions, and other seasonings.

Yogurt may be the most commonly known fermented food. Bacteria known as yogurt cultures are used to ferment milk. As these bacteria produce lactic acid, yogurt gains its characteristic tart flavor. If you are lactose intolerant, yogurts made from non-dairy milks, like soy milk, are also available.

5) Kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk drink that combines alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation. While traditionally made with cows milk, kefir can also be made with goats milk.

Two Rules For Fermented Foods To Lose Weight

When it comes to selecting fermented foods, there are several essential guidelines to follow. Firstly, the natural probiotic content is the key to the health benefits of these foods, which may include weight loss and other positive effects. Therefore, it's crucial to choose fermented foods that contain live cultures or good bacteria. However, some commercial products may have undergone pasteurization or other processes that eliminate these beneficial bacteria. Hence, to ensure you get live cultures, carefully read the labels and check for refrigeration, as most fermented foods with live cultures are kept in the chilled section of the grocery store.

Another important consideration is the sugar content of fermented foods, with many containing added sugars. Flavored kefir or sweetened yogurt are common examples. It's best to choose unsweetened fermented foods with no added flavoring to achieve optimal results. For additional flavor, fresh fruit can be paired with fermented foods.

While making your own fermented foods may seem intimidating, it's actually a simple process, especially when creating lacto-fermented raw vegetables. Most recipes require only basic ingredients like vegetables, salt, and seasonings. However, specific equipment is necessary to produce fermented foods at home, such as a fermenting crock, fermentation weights, canning jars, lids, and airlocks. These items can be found in stores or purchased online.

 Try to include fermented food with every meal and take with Total Gut Revive to help improve your gut microbe.

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