Leaky Gut Supplements: Why, How, and What to Take

Leaky Gut Supplements: Why, How, and What to Take

stacy schanks

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Gut problems come in many forms. It’s easy for them to happen when we aren’t paying attention to our health... And unfortunately, it’s easy for us to get so distracted with work, family, and everyday life that we forget to look after ourselves! 

But the consequences of an unhealthy gut can spill out into many other aspects of life. The good news is that with some awareness, some care, and some leaky gut supplements, you can heal your gut and start living better… Both physically and mentally! 

What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome? 

Leaky gut syndrome occurs when cells that line the gut become “loose”, and allow bacteria and undigested food particles to leak out into the bloodstream. 

As you can imagine, unwanted particles and bacteria in the bloodstream can cause some health issues… And the gut can also become quite inflamed as this happens. 

Because these particles and bacteria are now free to travel all over the body, transported in the blood, leaky gut syndrome can have signs and symptoms that seem completely unrelated to the digestive system. 

The condition is also known as intestinal permeability or gut hyperpermeability. Your gut isn’t meant to be permeable, so this gives an indication into the seriousness of the condition! 

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How Does It Happen? 

It’s believed that injury to the intestinal lining is what leads to leaky gut syndrome. That doesn’t necessarily mean a trauma to the gut, like a punch or a cut. 

Rather, it means that something hardly noticeable has been damaging the lining for a long time, and it’s now at the point where your body can no longer repair it. 

In most cases, leaky gut is seen in conjunction with other conditions, like: 

  • Food sensitivities 
  • Celiac disease 
  • Irritable bowel syndrome 
  • Autoimmune disorders 

This means that the constant damaging effects of underlying conditions are most likely what causes the tight junctions of the cell walls to loosen. 

In other cases, the gut can be severely affected by alcohol abuse, dry abuse, and strong courses of medication such as chemotherapy or radiation. 

On top of the underlying cause, stress and poor diet can significantly speed up the deterioration of the intestinal lining! 

The good news is that with some care, lifestyle changes, treating the underlying causes, and using the right supplements, you actually can heal leaky gut syndrome! 


Symptoms of Leaky Gut 

The symptoms of leaky gut syndrome aren’t just restricted to the gut, which means it can be tricky to pin down. Here are some signs and symptoms you can expect when your gut is leaking. 

Gut-related symptoms: 

  • Bloating 
  • Gassiness 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Abdominal cramps 

Other symptoms: 

  • Brain fog 
  • Fatigue 
  • Dry, itchy skin 

How to Heal A Leaky Gut 

As mentioned, there is a way to heal a leaky gut. But you can try all the leaky gut supplements you want, and it won’t help unless you address the underlying reason. 

Obviously, you can’t just stop doing radiation treatment or heal an autoimmune disease. But treating the conditions that could be contributing to your leaky gut syndrome is the first step. 

If leaky gut syndrome sounds like what you may be experiencing, it’s a good idea to go for a full checkup to make sure you haven’t got underlying conditions. 

Aside from that, taking better care of your gut is a good way to keep leaky gut symptoms away. This includes: 

  • Eating a healthy diet (packed with probiotic and prebiotic foods) 
  • Staying well hydrated 
  • Maintaining a healthy weight 
  • Keeping stress to a minimum 
  • Taking leaky gut supplements 

The Best Leaky Gut Supplements 

Leaky gut supplements can do wonders for your health. But which do you choose? Here are the supplements we believe are excellent choices to add to your daily life. 

Probiotic Supplements 

Some research suggests that probiotics are able to restore the intestinal lining. Either way, taking a probiotic supplement can significantly boost your gut health, which eases the inflammation in the digestive system. 

Probiotics encourage the growth of good bacteria and inhibit the growth of bad bacteria. This means your gut digests your food more easily and makes sure there’s more good stuff than bad. 

Improving the environment in your gut can help strengthen the intestinal wall and reduce the chances of the wall wearing down under stress. 

While you can significantly increase the god bacteria in your gut by eating probiotic-rich foods, a supplement can supercharge the effect. 

Prebiotic Supplements 

While probiotics are live cultures, prebiotics are the food that the live cultures eat. Adding these along with probiotics can increase the effectiveness of the probiotic supplements. 

You could also bolster your diet with prebiotic-rich foods, but once again, supplements are faster-acting and may be the best way to kickstart better gut health. 

Digestive Enzymes 

Digestive enzymes are natural proteins that your body produces to help break food down and digest it more easily. They’re made in the stomach, intestine, and the pancreas, but sometimes the body doesn’t make quite enough to keep up with demand. 

Taking a digestive enzyme supplement could help if you find yourself suffering from bloating, cramps, gassiness, oily stools, or unexplained weight loss. However, it’s best to check with your doctor first to see if you have an enzyme insufficiency. 

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Zinc Supplements 

Zinc supplements can be easily found at most drug stores. Interestingly, a recent study mentioned that zinc could have potentially positive effects on the lining of the intestine, helping to reduce permeability. 


L-glutamine is actually an amino acid, which helps to create proteins, make other amino acids, and convert glucose in the body. 

Studies have proven that it can help to repair and maintain the intestinal cells, as well as regulating the intestinal barrier’s function when it’s under stress. 

It’s also relatively easy to find l-glutamine supplements, thankfully! It’s also a common supplement used by athletes to aid in recovery, so if you’re an active person who exercises regularly, this could be a great supplement for you. 

Collagen Peptides 

Collagen is also a protein, and it’s found throughout the body. These days you can even get candy and chocolates that have been fortified with collagen, so this one shouldnt be difficult to get more of! 

If you want to add a collagen supplement to your daily diet, choose collagen peptides. This is a form of collagen that’s easy to digest, so it places no extra strain on your digestive system as it’s working. 

As well as maintaining the elasticity of cells, particularly skin cells, collagen peptides have been proven to prevent the breakdown of the intestinal lining. It also has great anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce the inflammation in the gut and ease symptoms. 

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) 

DGL is a compound that’s derived from licorice root, which is one of the most bioavailable supplements around, containing 73 bioactive components

Bioactive components are organisms that affect the cells of the body. Among these, within licorice root, is something called glycyrrhizin (GL), which can be dangerous for human consumption. 

DGL is like licorice root lite! The dangerous GL has been removed, so the substance can be safely consumed. 

Research is ongoing into the benefits of DGL, but so far it appears that it offers anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates the production of mucus, both of which can boost digestive health. 

Tips for Using Supplements 

Supplements can be a wonderful addition to your daily life. But, like anything, you shouldn’t just leap right into it without thought. Here are some tips you should consider when going onto a leaky gut supplement. 

Choose Carefully 

You don’t need all the supplements in order to boost your gut health. But you should carefully consider the effects of each and choose one or two that might help you. 

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Although probiotics and prebiotics are natural, it’s wise to consult your doctor before starting them. If your gut bacteria is already balanced, going on a probiotic supplement may cause an overgrowth of bacteria! 

It’s always a good idea to get some medical advice before starting with a leaky gut supplement, just to be safe! 

Be Patient 

You may not see significant changes in your gut health immediately. In fact, it often takes a month or two (or three) for the changes to really kick in. 

Don’t expect miracles overnight. The truth is, leaky gut supplements can work wonders, but you have to have the patience to let them do their thing. 

We advise taking the same supplements for 3 months before you start to judge whether or not they’re working for you. We know, we know. It’s a long time, but it’s a small price to pay for improved gut health! 


Pair Them With a Healthy Diet 

You can’t start taking supplements and keep eating junk and expect your gut to improve! They may improve your digestive health to an extent on their own. But unless you pair them with a healthy diet, they may be a waste of money! 

Make sure you’re eating a well-rounded diet that provides plenty of nutrients. It’s also a good idea to try splitting your meals into more, smaller meals throughout the day, rather than eating large meals less often. 

And of course, stay hydrated! Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink. Dehydration can exacerbate existing health conditions, and you may be surprised at how drinking more can help you drop a few extra pounds too! 

Final Thoughts 

Supplements exist for a reason, and there’s nothing wrong with using them to boost your gut health! Nobody wants to live day to day with pain, discomfort, and other uncomfortable symptoms. 

Leaky gut supplements can significantly improve your life if you struggle with inflammation and pain in your digestive system. Check with your doc and don’t forget that underlying causes need to be addressed first. 

But treating root causes and building better health with supplements can transform your gut into a healthy, happy environment that doesn’t cause you pain or discomfort. 

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